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Artist: Gnarls Barkley
Label: Warner Bros
Impact date: out now
ROTD featured date: Friday 22 December 2006

We say

Staff picks of 2006: today - Paul Scaife. Not only a personal choice, but really the staff pick of the year. It's the perfect Record of the Day - a true crossover. There was barely a radio playlist it didn't appear on. Crazy was also one of those rare records that was instantly familiar, yet improved with each listen. We first heard it on Zane Lowe's show late last year, and featured as soon as we were allowed helping build a buzz before it became the first single to chart at no 1 on downloads sales alone. A remarkable track and a brilliant job done by the label. Here's the Top Of The Pops performance.


Matt Thomas, Warner Bros - 020 7368 3500

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