Two Shots Of Happy, One Shot Of Sad
Artist: Matt Dusk
Label: Decca
Impact date: album due in March
ROTD featured date: Tuesday 2 December 2003

We say
Matt is a good looking 24 year old classically trained crooner from Toronto who released four albums independently, becoming a regular fixture on's charts. His first Decca album is due in March, in time for Mother's Day. It's exec produced by Matt, his manager Steve Wolfe and Universal Publishing's legendary song plugger / A&R Willi Morrison and all the tracks are published or co-published by Universal. Mostly they're originals comissioned by Universal writers but there's a radical, slow reworking of Please Please Me plus this, the hitherto little-known song Bono wrote for Frank Sinatra. See Matt at London's Cafe de Paris on Thursday February 5.Contact
Vicki Campbell, Universal Classics & Jazz - 020 8910 3113Submit your music
We are always looking for future hits and stars - signed and unsigned. To submit music for consideration please send an email with a link to one track and some info to Kevin Marston.
Unfortunately we can't respond personally to all submissions, but we do listen to everything.
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