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New toolkit to champion music creator credits launched


The global initiative Credits Due has unveiled a new toolkit to empower music associations and organisations to promote the significance of credits and metadata in the music industry, ensuring that creators receive due compensation for all uses of their work.

Björn Ulvaeus launched Credits Due at The Ivors 2021 to enhance music rights awareness through education and support. The initiative has gathered backing from over 75 organisations representing songwriters, performers, PROs, and DSPs.

The Credits Due toolkit will help supporters to run Credits Due events to disseminate the message that comprehensive and accurate song metadata attached to all recordings and songs at the point of creation ensures correct identification and credit for creators and contributors. 

Only five essential data points are required: creator identifiers and role codes (IPI, IPN, and ISNI); musical work identifier (ISWC); recording identifier (ISRC); song title and alternative song titles; and the names of the writer, performer, producer, and contributors. Linking this metadata to all new recordings and songs will ensure that all creators and contributors receive proper identification and credit.

The toolkit comprises of: 

  • A white-label presentation introducing Credits Due and the credits lifecycle, customizable for various audiences.
  • Guidance and digital assets for organising a Credits Due-branded event.
  • Credits Due music creator checklist.
  • Credits Due writer split sheet.

Interim-CEO of the Ivors Academy Charlie Phillips said:

"The Ivors Academy is delighted that the Credits Due toolkit has launched. It’s a set of practical resources to help associations and representative organisations spread the word about the importance of songwriter credits in the digital ecosystem. 

The toolkit includes a generic ‘white label’ presentation deck which introduces the Credits Due initiative, and a simple overview of the credits lifecycle. This can be tailored by any organisation for any audience, as appropriate. 

There are digital assets and guidance for organisations to use at Credits Due branded events. To provide practical help to music writers, the toolkit also includes a credits checklist and an example writer split sheet. 

We look forward to seeing the Toolkit in use, and ultimately to seeing music writers being credited - and paid - correctly."

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