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Minibeats Launches on Snapchat To Play Interactive Songs in AR

What's a Musical Tattoo, and how do I get one?

Minibeats is a new AR Music platform enabling interactive music for social expression. Minibeats is launching first on Snapchat with a set of Lenses that let you play your own versions of artist songs paired with vibrant AR effects. Minibeats gives music lovers a new way to express themselves in radically approachable, highly visualized, and instantly shareable ways. 

Watch the introduction reel

Open any Minibeats Lens, and the world around you transforms into one that perfectly matches the mood of the song:

-Decorate yourself with Musical Tattoos as you create your own version of "LOSER," the hit single from KILLBOY (Atlantic Records). 

-Become Alice Glass and use AR gestures like waving your hand and opening your mouth to trigger interactive phrases from her new single, "Lips Apart."

-Turn your room into a playable version of Taetro's beat-making loft, complete with Musical Objects that rattle off parts of his song. 

-Open your hand and wear a Musical Mask that sings Phil Good's chorus to "Crying, Dancing"

Minibeats offers a groundbreaking way for fans to connect with their favorite musicians. "I wouldn't be here without my fans, and I love being able to share my world with them," says Canadian Singer and Minibeats collaborator Alice Glass. "Minibeats is exciting to me because it allows users to interact with my music in a personal way that hasn't been done before." 

Minibeats Lenses on Snapchat also feature "In-lens Purchases," a first for Snap (and social media in general). With artists and labels eager to cut through the noise on existing media platforms, Minibeats enables interactive songs that utilize the latest AR and music tech, such as playable stem tracks. Minibeats goes even further by allocating artists a 50% share of their revenue from lenses, a bold new benchmark in an industry that typically offers sub-5% royalties.

Minibeats will launch their full-fledged AR social music creation app shortly after this teaser version launches on Snapchat, which will feature more artists and brands fans know and love. Minibeats is currently seeking additional brand and industry collaborators for future lenses and AR Music apps. Email to get in touch.

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