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Did you know that just 14% of composers and 20% of signed recording artists in the UK are women?

Counting the Music Industry is a gender gap analysis of over 300 music publishers and record labels in the UK. This research reveals that just over 14% of writers currently signed to publishers and just under 20% of artists signed to labels are female. This gap is surprisingly large and is indicative of widespread discrimination against women in the music industry.

Counting the Music Industry also looks at entry routes into music, particularly through formal education. There has been increased participation by girls and women in music education at all levels over the past five years, to near equity, often gaining better results than their male counterparts. And yet female graduates do not seem to be as successful as their male colleagues in starting careers. This report looks at twelve barriers that exist for women wishing to start and sustain a career in music.

And finally, Counting the Music Industry identifies opportunities for further research and concludes with a list of practical recommendations for government, education and music organisations to implement, improve and ultimately close the gender gap in music, thereby creating a more inclusive industry.

You can download the summary or the full report here

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