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BPI Response to PIPCU Funding

The City of London Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit (PIPCU) has been boosted by £3 million of new government funding.  Please find below a response from BPI’s Director of Content Protection, David Wood, welcoming the news. 

“The work of PIPCU to date has been invaluable in tackling piracy, which is recognised as a significant threat to musicians’ income, investment in new businesses and the growth of the UK’s creative economy.

“This funding demonstrates the commitment of the UK Government to promoting respect for intellectual property, which acts as the backbone of growth for our world-leading creative and digital media sectors. 

“Over the next two years, we hope that the combined efforts of the Government, enforcement bodies and the voluntary measures undertaken by the creative sector - through Creative Content UK - will result in a step change in attitudes towards piracy and usage of legitimate channels for online content.” [BPI Director of Content Protection, David Wood]

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